Friday, March 25, 2011

A typical conversation with a customer at 7 in the morning.

Customer: *yawns*
Me: Hello! How's it going? (this is where my chirpiness ends)
Customer: Fine...2 croissants thanks.
Me: mumble mumble? Mumble!
(I can never really talk until I've been up for a while and have coughed sufficient amounts.)
Me: Mumble mumble please.
Customer: *hands over note of some ridiculously large amount*
Me: Thank youu. Here's mumble mumble mumble.

I should probably work on the mumbling.

On another note, indecisive customers are the bane of my existence- especially those that demand their money back after touching all the bread I've carefully packaged for them because they decide it's too "crunchy".

And another thing, people are so strange. Example #32758: Every single middle aged woman who comes into the bakery on a Saturday morning walks in with a full face of makeup but then decides to wear a tracksuit with it. It's like they put so much effort into their faces (and I applaud them, because most of them seem to know how to make themselves look very nicely made up) that when they got to the rest of their bodies, they just decided to give up. Why on earth do people do this wearing of yucky clothes in public?
I suppose it doesn't matter. And I'm probably somehow being all anti feminist and completely materialistic here by complaining about this, but I don't care! Don't tell me things like this aren't important! What if you ran into Prince William? Oscar Wilde? JESUS?
Anyway, I'm sorry. But jeans. You can wear jeans and I won't complain at all. You can even wear the tracksuit jumper with the jeans.

Another thing is I'm thinking about quitting my job and applying at the cafe just up the road. Or do those things but in reverse order. Change is scary though- the bakery's all I've ever known.


1 comment:

  1. I've never worked at a bakery before, but I would imagine that a bakery is so, so much better than a cafe. At least you don't get those picky, snobbish women who demand a 'extra hot, double shot latte with skinny milk and a shot of caramel - oh wait, make that a large size too and an equal'.
