Thursday, March 24, 2011

I've adopted a green grasshopper.
Ophelia has a sassy gay friend, and he thinks: "There is something rotten in the state of Denmark. AND IT'S HIS PISS POOR ATTITUDE."
Schwarzenegger is HAMLET- "Hamlet is taking out the trash" ohhh yeah. "To be, or not to be...Not to be." *explosions*

I've been thinking about maybe studying overseas after graduation (that is, if I make it that far), even for only a semester or two. Melbourne and its universities are incredible, and I love the city itself, but how wonderfully rejuvenating an experience it would be to just leave and stay left. I was thinking maybe England (AH England, that would just be absolutely amazing) or I think I heard of this international university in Holland when I was in Indonesia. Its primary language is English, but people of all nationalities attend and it'd surely be like one big party of multiculturalism and a blur of almost nonsensical communication through vast seas of language. I'll have to do more research into it.

I get to leave early tomorrow! Hooray! Except I won't be doing anything with my life, except maybe watching the VCE Theater Studies Class at St Kevins perform Animal Farm. I'd like to think my mother wasn't instilling false hope in me when she told me that's how I'd be spending my Friday evening.

Oh, and a few nights ago a grasshopper hopped its way into my room, and even though I've left the window open ever since, it still hasn't left. I guess that makes us friends? I'm naming it Gregory, as in Rasputin, of course!

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