Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's a purple and yellow day.

I'm really not a fan of leather shorts. Like, really? Not even fake leather ones. Aren't they disgusting? Aren't they something that belong in the past? Don't go dragging tacky trends like that out again.
I mean, seriously?
I'd like new shoes. Fun shoes. Shoes that will make me feel purposeful. Maybe high heels of some description. Or, what do you call those ones? Those pointy flat ones that everyone 'indie' seems to be wearing...brogues. Yes. Black shiny brogues are what I crave. Nice shoes are purty.
I need something to do. Something fun. Let's do something fun. Anyone? Fun? Please? Some alcohol perhaps?
I think my life would be complete if I could hug someone of the opposite gender right now. I'm not sure why it's gender specific. But it is, okay? I'm sorry.
Running. I'm going running tomorrow. I will.