Saturday, March 12, 2011

If you need some love, get a hooker.

I saw this title quoted on today, and it just struck me as being rather poetic. Please don't be rolling your eyes at me. But you know, I've noticed that I get lonely really easily, which seems almost to be contradictory, considering how withdrawn I generally am even around close friends. Today is one such day, and I have no clue why. Perhaps it only just struck me how lifeless my life actually is, and in one huge chunk my mood slid downwards.
I look at my mother; I look at my grandmother, and they've always been strong feminist role models in my life. They're both incredibly self reliable and independent, but from them I've learnt, in a way, that to need other people is a flaw, and I don't know, is this a realistic interpretation of life? I mean, humans are social creatures. We need company. Science tells us so.
I've decided that there are two types of people, both of which can manifest within anyone at any time, and they are; Macbeths and Hamlets. I probably could have chosen a better character to represent the Macbeth side of us, but basically there are those who act and regret, and those who contemplate and regret. I'm not sure what this has to do with anything; I was just walking home yesterday and I thought of it. Because I was thinking about relationships, mainly my lack of experience, but honestly, who knows what they're doing anyway, regardless of experience? I think a relationship needs both a Macbeth and a Hamlet.
If I had to choose, I'd be Macbeth, but I know I'm a Hamlet, which sucks, but it kind of fits...the whole emo adolescent hiding behind a mask thing.
Today I just feel bleugh and I have fantastic friends but I can't help worrying because things seem to be changing. My mind is horrible and I have to keep asking myself "Why so bitchy for?", because it's really unlike me, or so I like to think.
I have this theory that if I immerse myself in creativity these feelings will disappear, but I'm lacking inspiration or even motivation to begin...erm immersing myself.
Grey day.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could identify myself as either a Macbeth or Hamlet - but, since I have no idea what 'Hamlet' is about and the fact that I suffer from short-term memory loss when it comes to literature and reading books in general, I can't even recall what a Macbeth is meant to be like. But you, Jeshi, I would like to think that you're Shakespeare - that can be intrepreted on many levels - choose the one you like most :) Hmm... I've lost my train of thought now. Haha, reading my comment will probably make you all the more confused because I am as well now. 'So' is life :)
