Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Daily Bag limit: 8 ducks with the following conditions

•A maximum of one Australasian Shoveler per day
•No more than five ducks per day from declared game species, balance of bag limit must be wood ducks
•Wood ducks are only restricted by the bag limit of 8 ducks per day (i.e. a bag of 8 wood ducks is allowed).

The SSAA (Vic) has worked consistently to distribute accurate scientific data about duck hunting in Australia. The truth about duck hunting is that it is a legitimate and sustainable activity. The government has acknowledged this fact and to its credit ignored the emotional and corrupt arguments of the anti duck hunting advocates. The SSAA (Vic) thanks the Brumby Government for its well informed and balanced approach to this issue.

Don't worry guys, the SSAA have got it all under control.

Every year, four state governments declare 'open season' for recreational duck hunting, and unfortunately, the state I call home is one of them. During these seasons, thousands of ducks are shot down over the wetlands in the name of 'fun'. Of 'recreation'. In fact, the SSAA endorse this activity by depciting a boy no older than twelve holding a gun, smiling amiably at the camera.

Some ducks will be killed as the bullet pierces their tiny bodies. Others will become wounded or crippled and suffer in prolonged pain. This is despicable, and even those not of 'emotional and corrupt' orientation would surely agree.

Duck hunting season begins this Saturday.

Visit for more information.

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