I was going to try and write something deeply profound, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
For one thing, I’m completely and utterly sick of how my ‘l’ key doesn’t seem to want to cooperate, and also trying to find deeper meaning in things and then having to express that in a level of language complexity that is, most likely, beyond my capabilities gets old quickly. Sorry to those who love Lit.
For another thing, even if I did manage to spiel out something profound in nature, I don’t think I, myself, would even want to read a pretentious philosophical web anyway.
I hope you don’t mind though; I felt it necessary to discuss Lent, a concept of the Catholic Church. Today, I hope the Pope invited all his Vatican City friends over to the Sistine Chapel to both revel in the beautiful aesthetics of the place as well as share a meal of pancakes, and pancakes alone. Maybe with maple syrup too, or the Italian version anyway. Do they have crepes in Italy? Hm. Pancakes. Yes.
So the story goes, once upon a time, Jesus ventured out into the desert for 40 days and ate nothing but [insert desert plant here]- maybe cacti of some variety. He essentially fasted for those 40 days, and so, because Jesus is awesome and all those that still adhere to the feudalistic system of the Catholic Church strive to be like him in every way (in theory, at least), to this day are also *encouraged* to, at the very least, give up something of significance to them. It’s generally to do with diet, like children will give up lollies or chocolate, and adults might give up meat or alcohol, but it can also be something like committing to spending more time with your family, or giving up swearing etc. etc. All terribly sappy, but it’s a nice idea.
Shrove Tuesday is celebrated because back in the days after Jesus, people used to use up all their milk and flour in order to prepare for the almost-fasting period. Maybe this is how pancakes came to be, and so I think my saying Jesus is awesome up there^ somewhere is totally justified, because pancakes are just delicious.
Anyway, even though I refuse to believe in the Catholic version of God, I don’t think Lent is an altogether irrelevant concept. It’s a time for reflection, for self improvement, and an introduction (however temporary) of discipline- which in my eyes leads to a sense of self control- into our lives, which I think is wonderful. That is, of course, not to say that this can’t and shouldn’t happen at any other time of the year, but I like how giving up something important to us in order to become richer as people is openly and loudly endorsed through Lent.
I also gave blood today! I bet you didn’t know that, unless Lulu told you. Apparently my vein was “too eager” to donate and so when they stuck the needle in blood spurted everywhere. I looked over my shoulder as I was leaving, after having given 470ml of blood, to see a man with a bucket of antisepticy bubbly water scrubbing at the chair I had just sat in. I don’t have HIV, though, so hopefully there’s nothing to worry about!