Thursday, November 11, 2010


I'm kind of elated, but kind of sad. Parting is such sweet sorrow. I'm really going to miss my history class, and talking about revolting against Chando and creating conspiracy theories that involve killing off the weakest link (me, because I'm a terrible liar) so we don't have to do SACs and mini test thing our teacher likes to toss in our direction...
Time to celebrate by making a vegan chocolate cake to eat with friends at school tomorrow, and time to study for a maths exam I'm going to fail anyway. I'm thinking it's time to apply my theory of life here; there's no point wasting energy on things that bring you no pleasure. I mean, at the beginning of the year I was all determined that I was going to completely annihilate Methods, but now, I don't care and really, my brother told me not to study. My brother doesn't know anything about life and his advice is always terrible, but for once his devil may care attitude is somewhat inspiring.

Appreciate the abandoned couch. I'm going to find that couch and sit on it.

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