I've been wondering about tea lately. Ice tea, to be specific. In fact, I have some right here and I'm slowly sipping it while pondering what to write about.
It can help slow wrinkles, or signs of getting old; it is rich in antioxidants (black tea is being recognised as just as healthful as green); it can help build bone density (especially helpful for potentially calcium deficient vegans such as myself); apparently helps to prevent cancer, (which is pretty gosh darn amazing)as it contains an antioxidant called EGCG, which has been found to inhibit an enzyme that cancer needs to grow; it can help lower heart disease, through its ability to prevent blood from clumping; and it can assist in weight loss.
So while I was enjoying good old Lipton, I thought about my plans for after school. I'm going into the final year of school, and I figure people will start asking me about what I'll do when school is over.
Here is what I'll tell them;
Step 1: Continue working casually or rather, full time, as I don't plan on going straight to university.
Step 2: After 6 months of saving and scronging off my parents, I'll bleach my hair and then dye it violet (not purple!! blue based violet!).
Step 3: I'll buy a train ticket and move to Perth for the remaining 6 months of the year, and spend those months completely stoned half the time, and sober to really soak up life the rest of the time. I want to live by the beach, no, on the beach. I want to enjoy wasting my time (so in essence it wouldn't be wasted time) playing guitar and writing and reading and dancing by the moon with gypsies and never wearing shoes.
Step 4: Go skydiving once I get back to gloriously metropolitan Melbourne.
Step 5: Not die from skydiving. I plan on using the parachute.
Step 6: Attend a Christmas party with my Catholic family and not start an argument with my grandfather. Truly, this will be the test of all tests of my maturity.
Step 7: Attend a birthday party my family will hold for me and have fun because I really do love my parents.
Step 8: Finally, go to university, buckle down and become a lawyer.
Step 9: Become a citizen of the United States.
Step 10: Become President of the United States.
STep 11: Reduce GDP spent on defence, and direct this money to Afghanistan as foreign aid.
Step 12: Rule the world.
Step 13: Maintain this rule without wearing shoes.
Step 14: Get assassinated.
Step 15: Haunt the White House until it gets boring.
So there you have it. My plan, for now.
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