Tuesday, November 30, 2010


BABY GIRAFFES ARE SO CUTE! If only I could go back in time and unlearn how they reproduce.. it's a severely scarring process. Did you know that apparently 90% of giraffe sex is male giraffes having sex with other male giraffes? And the other 10% is female giraffes running away while the male giraffes try to root them?
I'm glad to be human sometimes.

HARRY. How am I supposed to kiss you if you're constantly covered in smoke?

This should happen all the time. We should train up monkeys to be vets and protectors of the animal kingdom.

THIS IS THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER. I'm kind of exaggerating, but kind of not. I've spent four years wishing I was Kat. Heath Ledger is in it. It's set in the 90s. Joseph Gordon Levitt pre hotness is in it. Need I say more? It's love. Of the non romantic kind. Kat presents everything I want to be; empowered, determined, individual, brutally honest and fluent in sarcasm. I'd marry her! Oh, but wait.. gay marriage is still illegal in the supposedly accepting 21st century. SCREW THE SYSTEM LIKE CHARLES DICKENS!

Two posts in the space of 2 hours! Goodly lord. I was just so excited by these pictures, but I don't think I've done them justice.
Ahh well.

I've been feeling guilty a lot lately. Actually, I think I was born to feel perpetually guilty; it must be some Catholic thing. In English today, we talked about The Imaginative Landscape *freaky, perhaps Star Wars themed music to be played* and I was like woah. I mean, I was like "Oh my God"- my teacher used that phrase more times than is natural. Because I DO want to know what "shaped me"! I think. I think I just like the narcisstic aspects of it. I like talking about myself! I like exploring ideas and finding links and having way too many 'aha!!!!' moments. But GUILT. LOSS OF INNOCENCE. The Pope would not approve. I need to do penance or something.
But what am I feeling guilty about?? Mainly about my grandmother. I really need to spend more time with her, but it's so hard not to get annoyed or frustrated by her. It's not that she speaks slowly or walks slowly or does anything slowly, it's just she talks so much. Me saying 'hi' ends up as an hour long conversation. Tra la la.

I want to learn how to draw.

Micheru. My hair is not short. I just got a trim:D

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