Friday, April 29, 2011

I unashamedly love the movie 'Remember Me'.
I miss my full fringe.
I don't understand love.
I eat more tofu than is healthy.
I like making up lives for strangers.
I exploit my slight claim to Indonesian heritage to seem interesting.
I read less than I think is vital for the soul.
I lack the ability to think logically; my sense isn't so common.
I often refuse people offering to drive me places.
I daydream at night.
I worry I can't do anything to help.
I don't care that I don't care about economics.
I spend too much time alone.
I have never been drunk.
I laze around suburban streets looking for a life I can enjoy.
I sometimes feel suffocated.
I tend to resent my middle class upbringing, which even I know is ridiculous.
I should be credited for how much over-analysing I do.
I pretend to enjoy things like art and fashion but really I just like pretty things.
I can become insecure around other people incredibly quickly.
I drink a lot of coffee.
I use a fair amount of dark eyeliner, as if to make myself more than I am.
I dislike hypocrisy.
I want to change the world, instead I sleep.
I probably won't be much different ten years from now on the inside.
I am terrified of being completely dependent on another human being.
I have purple hair ambition.
I know I should accept it just the way it is but I hate my body.
I think about myself far too often.

I Am That I Am.

these are some truths i think you shouldn't talk to me about later.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I almost went to bed
without remembering
the four white violets
I put in the button-hole
of your green sweater
and how I kissed you then
and you kissed me
shy as though I’d
never been your lover.

Leonard Cohen

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I liked it when he smiled

Also, I would have liked this is if it were a group of facebook.

Is it not shamefully true? I'm awkward most all the time though, so I guess it doesn't make too much of a difference.

Sometimes I have to hold myself back

from saying things to people that I so want to say but can't for fear that I'll stuff up the relationship because I'll freak them out with how much I rely on them to keep me, well, me. I feel like I should just dive in and be completely open and honest, because I'm not talking along the lines of if you can't be nice, don't say anything at all thread, no, no, I just want people to know how much they mean to me. It's strange to think what kind of person I'd be if I hadn't become friends with the people I have, or even who I'd be if the relationships hadn't developed the ways they have.
You know, apparently (according tumblr), scientists have proven that humans' brains are linked to each other through neuron activities, so there's a chance that if you spend all day thinking of someone, they may just be thinking of you too.. It's a nice thought, yes? I have to stop abusing the word 'nice'.
I think I'm grateful. Yes. That is a good word- I'm grateful to a whole heap of people and yet, I'm still a terrible friend to pretty much everyone I know; except for maybe my brother because I am so gosh darn kind to him, although tonight he did offer to share his blanket with me, so we're almostnotreally even.

I want to fall in love, damnit. I want to want someone so much that they become my enoughness.

I want to be wanted.

Unfortunately, I'm not so hopelessly romantic that that sweet picture will satisfy me. Oh well. You know what they say- it'll all be fine in the end and if it's not fine, it's not the end. But does the end mean death? What?!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ricky Gervais: “Why I’m an Atheist”

“As an atheist, I see nothing “wrong” in believing in a god. I don’t think there is a god, but belief in him does no harm. If it helps you in any way, then that’s fine with me. It’s when belief starts infringing on other people’s rights when it worries me. I would never deny your right to believe in a god. I would just rather you didn’t kill people who believe in a different god, say. Or stone someone to death because your rulebook says their sexuality is immoral. It’s strange that anyone who believes that an all-powerful all-knowing, omniscient power responsible for everything that happens, would also want to judge and punish people for what they are.”


Here is my Thought Of The Day:

I really need to put more time into posting and/or, thinking about stuff.
I have a lot of more pictures that can represent my Thoughts Of The Moment but I don't know if blogspot's really the place.
You know, if people stopped being sexist/misogynist/chauvanistic/a-female-who-is-against-male-rights-altogether-ist/speciest/racist/fascist/anything kind of -ist, life might just be sweet. To quote Ferris Bueller, who is my Confucius, "Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he should believe in himself." And I think I just completely undermined my point there with him using the male pronoun there.
I have to pretty much restrain myself from pretending not to care and just being all like 'It's all good, bro'.
My friend, a capitalist with glasses and carnivore tendencies, just told his girlfriend he loved her. And she said it back. Isn't that adorable? I'm so glad young love exists even for someone so seemingly practical as he:)
Enough. I'm sleepy and feeling kind of bitchy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hay there robot.

I sometimes want to do this. Just to see what happens. And to see if there's anything I can pick out so that maybe any blackness will just go away.
I'm so scared I'm wasting my life sometimes. I waste my life being unhappy, so I cook a cake that everyone else in my family adores but, in my eyes, becomes the Cake of Too Chocolatey A Taste. Because you know, being vegan means you have "refined tastes" and are thus incapable of eating anything of richer substance than tofu. I appreciate tofu.
I went to a park today. It was empty and cold and so I left but that feeling just followed me and it's now sitting on my bookshelf. It's funny, waving at me. I suppose we are old friends.
Tomorrow I will be productive, I say. Tomorrow I will start on my homework. Tomorrow I will eat healthily and drink enough water. Tomorrow I will realise what's missing from my life and go hunt it down wherever it has been hiding from me.
I was going to do a whole hair post on how to dye your hair etc. etc. but I figure no one really cares. I don't care either as the hair dresser will be the one playing with the chemicals, not me. Isn't this an insanely lovely colour?

And this:

Perhaps this:

These are all stolen from the internet. It's a shame I can't claim to know the girls in the pictures.
I need to consume less caffiene. It makes me feel jittery and question whether life is absurd or not too much.
It's 12.25am. I wonder what the moon is up to.
Why does the internet never sleep?

Monday, April 11, 2011

you got them black circles round your eyes

you're moving in dark circles
dark circles show me your eyes
it's black magic with no perfume
you're all tv & white lies

move move move move
no rainbow all snow storm A trans lunar jezebel
your Stockhausen with pictures
ulysses in ugly shoes
move move move move

dark circles
black magic
dark circles
and white lie
black magic

dark circles
black magic
and white lies
dark circles
black magic

dark circles
no perfume
black magic
dark circles
black magic
and white lies

- Duran Duran, Dark Circles

Saturday, April 9, 2011

in your head they're fighting

I gave into consumerism today, and now I feel somewhat dead inside. I own a new pair of shiny black pointy flats that I’ve wanted to own for who knows how long (I actually do know, ever since year 9 when Amy strolled down the Butt Building corridor wearing them- she used to have such awesome style, and now she’s just another indie stoner) and I don’t even feel slightly uplifted. I think of how they could improve my wardrobe, and no. Just no. It just feels like more money flushed down the drain in the name of the filthy money mongering system and I am now hollow to the will of capitalism. FUCK I can’t believe I’m even talking about this. And I just swore. Ha HA. So evil and vulgar I am. Yet another deluded teenage delinquent who’s convinced they’ll conquer the world.

They’re size nine. And they’re a tad tight. But the ten was too big. I’m so confused. It’s like my ambiguity of shoe size is a METAPHOR for my inability to commit to anything or anyone. Stupid feet. How dare you be weirdly sized. I have a theory that I’m afraid. (I don’t think you can have theories about yourself, can you? But I have plenty!) Because it’s like the second someone shows an interest in me, in me alone, I get scared and insecure and feel cornered and my throat starts closing in on itself.

You know, I might have trust issues too.

Shopping centres are such horrible places. The people there walk around like robots, unblinking, lust, consume, waste. There’s no air, no spirit, no dust, no magic- everything looks the same and I can’t enjoy fashion in the way I generally consider it to be an art form. There’s no drama; no, I don’t really like you, apologetically dressed but I have to admit, on the other hand, I like what I wore today. I’d tell you, but it won’t sound cool, it’ll just be words on a page but I did wear my army boots today. I’ve decided to try an experiment; a challenge, if you can call something so trivial that, and that is to wear my boots every day for the next two weeks. Yay. How super pumped are you for me?! I’ll become just like one of those supposedly tough kids with anarchy tendencies who pretend they’re not conforming. Is anyone ever not pretending?

I want freedom.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'll just add that to my collection of giraffe photos. (Why would anyone care?! Sorry. But this is my blog! DON'T READ IT IF I BORE YOU.)

One more day till slightly greater freedom.

Let be, let be, let be.

Much love,
From Me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I've never felt like enough.

It stresses me out when there aren't enough people with lives I can stalk.

I have found that there is actually no greater pleasure in life for me, at this very moment in my life, than pounding the pavements at night time. I know I kind of waffled on about this in the last post... but really, I love walking alone in the early hours of the morning or the later hours of the evening, probably more than is sane or, you know, safe. I love how different the world looks at night; how trees become hives of activity and how the roads become empty and how electricity poles become pillars of irrational security.
The Earth just changes, and it's as if I'm the only person left, as sickeningly cliched as that is, but I welcome the solitude and the silence and it's weird how you can feel so alone but so a part of something wonderful at the same time, but then I have to question just how wonderful humanity really is...
I was required to attend a speech night tonight, held by the Invergowrie Foundation or something whose primary focus is the education of girls in Australia, and Tania de Jong spoke about the importance of not silencing your voice, no matter what life throws at you, and I have to admit, I did sit there bored and almost overwhelmed by her cheesy albeit well meaning speech until the end, when she showed us this video in which some recipients from her entrepreneurial charity, which is a choir made up of people from all walks of life, were interviewed. I hate to get all soft and emotional but what really struck me about the video was, really, the triump of human spirit that can be, that is seen from people all over the world in the most dire of circumstances and what really pains me is that so many people suffer at the hands of other people. Again, I'm going all cliched-emo-sentimental but though there are too many things about the human race that I dislike to go into, what I consider to be the most redeeming qualities of us will always remain constant, down through the ages- compassion and courage.
To completely change the topic... not really a fan of people who sound like badly worded thesauruses. Just speak properly. Please. It hurts my ears and my eyes to hear and see vomit that is pretentious for the sake of being pretentious and that doesn't even make sense.
Pyjamas are comfy.
I feel like I should be doing homework, but I literally have nothing to do. I even finished my Economics, but I should probably do it again considering I attempted it at 3 in the morning....
And so nothing to do! I hate losing people. I hate when it feels like I can't stop it either.

Why do posts always end up trailing off like this? I guess, in true nerual style, I just got bored:D

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I like the air best when it's crisp and smells of fire.

Just like I like the road best when I can stomp my boots right down the middle of it to the sounds of Lykke Li, and how the sky is at my favouritest when it's dark with clouds that have positioned themselves arbitrarily.