Wednesday, August 26, 2009


*applause* for CADBURY. fair trade cocoa will be used in their dairy milk chocolate bars in australia ad new zealand by january 2010.
i'm so happy. this will dramatically increase the sales of Fairtrade Certified cocoa, and with it, standard of living for cocoa producers in Ghana; an opportunity for their businesses to grow and provide their families with a better shot at life and a future.
unbelieveable. i have an excuse to go buy chocolate, no matter what my dentist says.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

screenplay by me:)



BATHROOM- a beautiful woman, dressed only in a dressing gown stands at a mirror in a poorly-lit bathroom after having a hot bath. A man bursts through the door.

Lydia! I can’t live without you!

Move on, Jared. It is time that you moved on.

(raised voice, down on knees) NO! I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! Please, tell me what I did wrong and I promise to spend each and every day for the rest of my life trying to make myself worthy of you! You are the most beautiful, compassionate, caring, virtuous, intelligent, strong, gentle, amazing woman I have ever met and will ever know.

(shaking head sadly but in a way that is wise and empathetic) No, Jared. Those things may be true but we can never be together.

(tone of desperation as he speaks softly) Why not? I promise, I swear, I-

-Jared. (raises eyes to the ceiling, as if searching for answers in God) I am searching for answers in God and I can find none that will tell you what you want hear. Thou shall not commit adultery.


(gentle yet firm) I cannot begin to tell you how hurt I was. I thought it would be me and you for eternity but I cannot love a man I cannot trust.

Lydia, please.

Go home. Remember, time will heal the hole I will have left in your heart.

(anger) You bitch. I come and get down on my knees apologizing, and what do you do? You think you’re God’s gift? You think you’ll ever find anyone better than me?

(approaches woman)
(woman shrieks)
(man grabs woman by the neck and forces her head down into the bath still full of water, drowning her)
(shallow water is everywhere)


Saturday, August 22, 2009

chickens go squawk when you slaughter them and soak them in hormones

i think people who complain all the time can rot in hell.

it's not a harsh thing to say, it's really not. as st. paul says, don't complain about the dark, light a candle.

Above^ was written last year. I wasn't going to let anyone else see it but I quite like it. Even though it's bitchy. I'm sure people can handle it.
Today I was actually hoping to talk about the conflicts in the Middle East, and also maybe a bit about the impact a parent has on a child's life as well as PERHAPS depression.
Hopefully my post will be forgiven for its discontinuousness (almost a mathematical term! Beggsy would have been so proud).
Basically, what I have gathered so far about why there's so much war and death in the Middle East is because of stuff that may or may not have happened some 2000 years ago. It's all dependent on the Quoran and I'm pretty sure that's not how you spell it, but that's how you say it. According to Genesis (12:1-2), God appeared to Abraham and gave him a command: 'Go forth from you native land and from you father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation.'
Why God chose Abraham to be the patriach of Israel is still unclear, but according to Jewish belief it is because he introduced monotheism (belief in one God). BUT. Abraham's wife Sarah could not concieve and this presented a majorly disastruous rock in Abraham's path to becoming the patriach of a great nation. So Abraham had sex with Sarah's maid named Hagar, and Ishmael was born. Of course, Sarah was not happy about this. She was ninety years old and cranky that her husband had had a child with her maid, so she exiled poor Hagar and Ishmael into the desert. Today's Arabs believe they are descendants of Ishmael. One day, God might have been bored, because a miracle occured- Sarah fell pregnant with a son to be called Isaac. Isaac has a son called Jacob. God intervenes and Jacob becomes known as Israel. Hence the country was born, and the Jewish people are subsequently referred to as the children of Israel.
The main issue that we should retrieve from these Bible stories is: who deserves the land promised to Abraham by God all those years ago? Is it Ishmael- the bastard but still the true first son of Abraham? Or is it Isaac- the second son born to Sarah in wedlock? Hmm. There's much to follow this initial story, but without going into too much detail, what I have learned is that the Jewish and the Arabs *traditionally* have had mutual hatred for each other.
However, the question I asked during PYP in year 6 still remains- is it right for other nations to involve themselves in this historical war? Honestly, I see no clear way forward. If we remove all non Middle Eastern troops, people will still die. We also need to examine the motives behind the intervention by other countries.
In other news, Jesse is eating chicken flavoured drumstick biscuits. Yep, you heard me. A vegetarian is eating chicken flavoured junk.
Parents suck sometimes. I've been thinking that I might not have kids just because I don't want to be hated by midgets. Why must they probe so much though? Why? Please, just give me some space and I'll like you more. Parents are also wonderful people with a fondness for children. Generally.
As for the impact a parent has on a child's life, I think past the age of fifteen there is minimal impact, provided that the parent hasn't screwed the child up before that. Gosh. Sorry for being so blunt and awful. What I do enjoy about parents is how they can blamed for nearly anything, and I've even talked about this with mine. It's accepted that I may refer to them as over protective tyrants if need be, and they may refer to me as a helpless, rebellious teenager if they don't want to go to work or to a family party. YAY mutual obligation. How lovely.
Depression? Maybe I shouldn't go into this. It requires individual definition, in my opinion. Sure there's Official Symptons but it's not like much in terms of scientific diagnosis can be proved. How effective are the pills and shock treatments anyway? I'm reading "The Bell Jar" again. It's a beautiful book, despite the protagonist's many attempts at suicide. And in this book, she undergoes many psychiatric treatments and she never tells the reader she feels any better, so I conclude that the treatments don't work.
For me, it's the nothingness feeling- when even pain is preferable. Nothingness seems to last and last and it doesn't hurt so obviously your body can stand it for ages. It's where the loss of will to live comes in.
Shush, child. Attention back to homework now.