Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the gods must be crazy

The sky was blue today, and I rejoiced in its consistency.

I was sitting outside on my dried up spiky grass next to my dog, the winds blowing my curly hair crazily around my head so I looked liked Medusa. It felt empowering to sit there, to know that the winds were trying but they could not defeat me. There are things in life so uncontrollable like the wind (or maybe it's just global warming) that to simply be in their presence makes you feel as strong as them.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Awkward introductions

So...hello. I guess this is my first blog. I'm pretty excited, but also kind of like will this be weird? I mean, to make my life both public and private will be strange.

Can i just start off by making a list? You should probably know I'm a big fan of lists and often my lists can stretch for miles.

I am:


born in melbourne

gaining confidence

and with it, happiness

a little bored

an older sister to three guys

a total amature tennis player

friends with the strange and ugly